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Royalty Advances

Get the advance you need to take your music career to the next level. Keep 100% ownership and control.

Updated over 10 months ago

With the Royalty Advances tool, you can invest in your career by accessing future earnings from your catalogue and unreleased music. Retain 100% ownership of your rights while accessing customised funding options that are right for you. Here’s the rundown:

  • Get an advance of up to 8x your annual streaming income

  • Keep 100% ownership of your masters, publishing, touring, and merch

  • Customize your contract term length, content, and monthly income levels

  • Use your own service, marketing, and production partners

How does it work?

Step 1

Enter your name.

We'll gather your streaming data from around the world. It takes only a few minutes.

Step 2

Customise terms to fit your needs.

Choose the number of years, the music you want to include, and if you want to receive income during the term. It’s all up to you!

Step 3

Share your distribution reports.

We'll check them and send your contract. Easy electronic signature.

Step 4

Get funded.

We'll transfer funds in as little as 1-3 days.

💡 FAQs

Who can get funding?

There are no “hard lines” that determine exactly which artists can and cannot get funding because there are so many factors that go into our algorithm, but Artists who have released music on major DSPs (Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, Amazon, QQ) and typically have as little as 10,000 and as many as 10,000,000 monthly listeners are most likely to qualify for funding. Artists who have been within those ranges for more than a few months, and who have more passionate and engaged fans (inside and outside the streaming services) are more likely to qualify as well.

What if I don't recoup my advance in the term?

Most artists will repay their advance right when the term ends, or a few months before. That’s how our data science team models the deals we offer. But if your music doesn’t generate enough income to repay your advance during the term, we’ll collect until you are repaid, and no longer. We won’t add any balance to your advance if you are late, and we won’t charge any interest or penalties.

What if I get a label offer that is just too good to pass up in the middle of my term?

Great question. We don’t want to hold you back. Our standardized contract includes a “buyout” clause that will let you buy out of the rest of the term with those big-label bucks. Your buyout price is based on a formula that’s set ahead of time so there’s no doubt or need to play negotiation games. It’s based on how much you’ve recouped, how much revenue you’ve generated in the term, and how much time you have left on your term

Do I need to release new music to receive funding?

No. We are happy to advance funds against your existing catalogue, but many artists will find that the funding amounts we can provide are significantly larger if they plan to release new music in the next 6 to 12 months.

When do I get paid?

A large share of your advance will be paid within a week of signing your contract. The remainder will be paid when you release new music if it's covered in the deal. Any “flow-through” income you are due before your advance is recouped will be paid within 7 business days after we receive it from your distributor

How do you decide how big and advance to give?

Two things determine the size of your advance. First, your data. Your streaming data and a whole lot more data beyond that are used to make an estimate of your future earnings. Second, your advance is driven by the terms you choose. You are in control. You choose if your deal will include some or all of your catalogue, and how many unreleased tracks it will include (or if it will include no new tracks at all). You choose how many years you want the deal to be. Finally, you choose how much of your streaming income you need to keep during the term, even before your advance is repaid. All those tradeoffs impact the size of your advance, and all of them are up to you.

Is this a loan? Will it affect my credit?

No, and No. Our advances are structured as a purchase of a limited portion of your revenues for a limited time. They aren’t loans and they won’t impact your credit.

Advancing money to artists? Isn't that a sure way to lose all your money really fast?

No, we don’t think so. We took literally BILLIONS of data points on hundreds of thousands of artists and millions of songs to build some really smart algorithms that predict an artist’s future earnings because we think we can make smart bets on artists, we can also offer better terms (higher royalties, faster timeframe to get back to 100% control of revenues) than a traditional label deal.

Do I need to have a manager in order to receive funding?

No, if you have been successful on your own, we believe you can continue to do that.

What if I don't own my music?

It depends. We may be able to figure out a way to work with you. Let’s talk.

Which genres qualify?

We work with any and all genres. Classical, Trap, Waka, Jazz, Christian Pop, Prog Rock, Canadian Country, K-Pop, Hip Hop, Dance, Pop, Assyrian Folk, Latin Rap, Sufi, Deep Trance, Ranchera, Bhajan, Norwegian Death Metal… you name it….we are open to making an advance if the data is right.

Can I receive additional funding if I'm going to release my music before my term is complete?

Absolutely – just contact us for a new offer on additional releases. You can take your funding in smaller chunks to keep your options open if you like.

Can I negotiate my offer?

Short answer: No. You can adjust and choose:

  • Length of term

  • Scope of works included (a certain number of new releases plus catalogue or catalogue only)

  • Amount of income you keep even before your advance is repaid

And while we give you the flexibility to choose the value of those terms, we don’t negotiate beyond that. The advance amounts presented to you are calculated by a complex data-driven system our team has created to put you in the best position to recoup on schedule with the length of term you select.

You said I don't qualify for an advance. Why?

While we can’t share every last detail of what our investors and algorithm look for, things that will reduce your chance of getting an investment include:
1. If you are not getting 10,000 monthly listeners on Spotify on a consistent basis
2. If your income from your distributor(s) is less than $80-$100/month
3. If you have a higher-than-normal mix of free listeners

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