When creating a new release, you need to go through and complete 3 different steps before you can distribute your release. To avoid any issues with metadata, we recommend you to read the steps below carefully to meet the DSPs' criteria.
Add tracks & track details
☝️ Select existing tracks within your assets or upload new tracks.
If you are uploading a new track, you will need to fill in all the track metadata before you can distribute the release. Do so by clicking on the track and completing the mandatory fields:
Title (💡)
Track title
Title Version. Typically left blank, unless it is a new version of a previously-released album e.g. Live, Remix, Unplugged etc
Track title localisation. You can add your release title in different languages if relevant
You can choose either to retrieve artist(s) info from the Release info or add the artists performing in this concrete track manually.
❗️ Artist already on Spotify/Apple Music/SoundCloud? If the artist’s music is already on Spotify, Apple Music/iTunes, or SoundCloud, indicate their artist ID so that their music is associated with the right artist profile page. If the artist doesn’t already have a profile, select “No” to create a new profile for the artist.
If the artist already has an artist ID, here’s how to retrieve it:
Open the web version of Spotify and/or Apple Music.
Search for the artist and click on their name to go to their page.
Look at the music on the page to make sure you are on the right artist profile page.
Look at the URL in the browser’s bar at the top. The profile ID is the last part (in red below). Copy-paste this part into the artist ID field.
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe
Apple Music/iTunes: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/the-rolling-stones/1249595
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/rolling-stones-official
❗️ Please note that credited key artists will only be linked on the DSPs to the following roles:
Primary artist
Featured artist
Spotify is an exception in that they also link based on Remixer
The first genre listed will be the primary genre and must be the best description for the content. A second genre is not required, but it should be used when applicable. Primary and secondary genres must not be egregiously misclassified (for example, Hip Hop/Rap in place of Children’s Music).
If you are releasing this asset through a record label, please indicate the name of such and the catalogue ID number if available.
Note: The label value of a track on a release has to be the release’s label.
Preview Start Time
Indicate where your clip should start when people preview your track. If no value is entered, your clip will start at the 15th second.
An ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) is a unique code that every track must have. If you don't already have one, we will generate one for you (free). Note: an ISRC is unique to each song; you should never create a new ISRC for a song that already has an ISRC.
Catalogue ID
Best to leave blank unless you really need these. Must be unique for each track. 3 characters minimum. Must start with 2 or more letters followed by any mix of letters and numbers (no spaces, dashes, etc.). Maximum of 20 characters.
Original Song: An original composition is a track to which you’ve contributed lyrics and/or music, but which does not borrow elements from previously created works.
Public Domain: Public domain compositions are ones in which the intellectual property rights have expired or been forfeited. This generally applies to songs written before 1923.
Fill the Phonogram ℗ Copyright.
Applies to the sound recording itself. The purpose of this symbol is to indicate that legal rights are held for a sound recording and to identify the owner of those rights.
Language of Lyrics
Select instrumental if has no lyrics.
Explicit Lyrics❗️
Select "yes" if your song contains one or more of the following:
Anything unsuitable for children
Strong language
References to violence or abuse
Sexual content
Anything that might be regarded as racist, homophobic, discriminatory or misogynistic
Publishing Info
Add contributors:
Publishing control (Copyright control / Public domain / managed by a publisher)
The total share amount must sum to 100%
Upload cover art
Please, ensure your cover art meets the following specs:
File format: JPG, JPEG, PNG, JFIF
Colour space: RGB
Minimum dimensions: 1400x1400 pixels, but recommend 3000x3000 pixels
Square image: width and height must be the same
Images may not be larger than 10 Mb
Your image cannot be stretched, upscaled, or appear to be low-resolution
The information on your cover art must match your album title and artist name
Your cover art cannot contain:
Any text other than the release title and/or artist name
Web URLs, social media handles/icons, or contact information
Sexually explicit imagery
Third-party logos or trademarks without express written consent from the trademark holder
Add Release details
Pre-fill details
You have the option to prefill the release information from track metadata.
Metadata Language
This field is for indicating the language of the metadata. Not the language of your song lyrics
Title (💡)
Release title
Title Version. Typically left blank, unless it is a new version of a previously-released album e.g. Live, Remix, Unplugged etc.
Title Localisation. You can add your release title in different languages if relevant
Please specify whether there are 4 or more Primary Artists on this release. According to Spotify's Style Guide, if there are four or more primary artists credited on the release, Spotify will list "Various Artists” in place of the individual artist names.
❗️ Artist already on Spotify/Apple Music/SoundCloud? If the artist’s music is already on Spotify, Apple Music/iTunes, or SoundCloud, indicate their artist ID so that their music is associated with the right artist profile page. If the artist doesn’t already have a profile, select “No” to create a new profile for the artist.
If the artist already has an artist ID, here’s how to retrieve it:
Open the web version of Spotify and/or Apple Music.
Search for the artist and click on their name to go to their page.
Look at the music on the page to make sure you are on the right artist profile page.
Look at the URL in the browser’s bar at the top. The profile ID is the last part (in red below). Copy-paste this part into the artist ID field.
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe
Apple Music/iTunes: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/the-rolling-stones/1249595
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/rolling-stones-official
Other key artists
Only add artists who should be given top-level credit; do not add individual band member names or supporting musicians
Please note that credited key artists will only be linked on the DSPs to the following roles:
Primary artist
Featured artist
Spotify is an exception in that they also link based on Remixer
The first genre listed will be the primary genre and must be the best description for the content. A second genre is not required, but it should be used when applicable. Primary and secondary genres must not be egregiously misclassified (for example, Hip Hop/Rap in place of Children’s Music).
If you are releasing this asset through a record label, please indicate the name of such and the catalogue ID number if available.
Release History
Choose whether you need a UPC (Universal Product Code) or not. A UPC/EAN/JAN is a unique code that every release must have. If you don't already have one, we will generate one for you (free).
UPC stands for "Universal Product Code." It is a unique code used to identify a product, such as an album or single.
Only fill this in if you have your own UPC. Otherwise, we'll assign a UPC to your release once it has passed inspection and been approved for delivery to the stores.
Catalogue ID
Best to leave blank unless you really need these. 3 characters minimum. Must start with 2 or more letters followed by any mix of letters and numbers (no spaces, dashes, etc.). Maximum of 20 characters.
℗ Line: Applies to the sound recording itself. The purpose of this symbol is to indicate that legal rights are held for a sound recording and to identify the owner of those rights.
© Line: In the context of music, the © Line is used to denote rights protection for the cover art or written material included within an album, like liner notes.
Both ℗ & © lines must be filled with the name of the person or entity that owns the exclusive rights, preceded by the year the rights were obtained.
Please, refer to standard casing guidelines for music metadata to meet the different stores' criteria.