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Artificial Streaming

What is Artificial Streaming and How To Avoid It

Updated over 2 months ago

Artificial Streaming (AS) represents streams that don’t reflect genuine user listening intent, including any instance of manipulating automated processes on streaming platforms. Usually, this is achieved using bots or scripts to inflate streams.

In our ongoing effort to combat Artificial Streaming, Family in Music shares monthly AS reports provided by various DSPs. These reports contain all the data needed to monitor AS, take preventive actions to minimize its impact, and ideally eliminate it. Please note that Artificial Streams are identified and reported by the DSPs. Family in Music simply communicates the information we receive.

Causes of Artificial Streams

Streaming platforms work diligently to ensure streams reflect genuine user listening intent. However, artificial streaming can still occur due to the following reasons:

  1. Fraudulent behavior: When someone attempts to increase stream counts or royalties artificially.

  2. Unknowingly using a fraudulent marketing or playlisting service: Some services claim to be legitimate but use unauthorized methods to generate streams.

  3. Placement on a fraudulent playlist without consent: Certain services add tracks to fake playlists to convince artists they can boost streams.

  4. “Ricochet” AS: Fraudsters play random tracks to appear like real users. In these cases, neither the artist nor their team initiated the AS.

  5. Fans attempting to increase an artist’s popularity or earnings: Even well-intentioned efforts by fans can result in artificial streaming.

Key Considerations

  • While the first two causes stem from direct actions, the last three typically occur without any involvement from the artist or their team. However, all cases are classified as AS, and DSPs will remove these streams from the count and withhold royalties.

  • Since AS can occur independently of any promotional activities, it is not always possible to assert that no artificial streaming has taken place.

Consequences of Artificial Streaming & Why It’s Harmful

Regardless of the cause, artificial streaming leads to the following consequences:

  • Withheld royalties. DSPs will not pay out royalties for artificial streams.

  • Streaming counts are not updated. Affected tracks will not gain legitimate play counts.

  • Playlist removal. Tracks will be blacklisted from official playlists.

  • Damaged recommendations. Tracks may be associated with unrelated artists on fraudulent playlists.

  • Demotion in recommendation algorithms. Affected tracks and artists may be suppressed, similar to "shadow banning" on social media.

  • Misleading audience data. Artificial streams distort real engagement metrics, affecting credibility in the industry.

  • Wasted promotional budget. Money spent on fraudulent services could have been used for legitimate marketing efforts.

  • Permanent takedowns. In some cases, DSPs like Apple, Pandora, and Spotify may permanently remove affected releases.

  • If Spotify identifies significant AS abuse, they charge Family in Music a €10 penalty per track. This fee will be passed on to the artist.

  • Family in Music may take down and permanently block any track found to have engaged in artificial streaming.

  • Repeated AS activity can result in account termination.

What to Do If You Receive an Artificial Streaming Report

  • Stop Any 3rd-Party Campaigns: Immediately terminate any 3rd-party services or playlist promotions contributing to artificial streams.

  • Comply with DSP Guidelines: Ensure all promotional activities adhere to DSP policies. You can review additional guidance here: Artificial streaming and paid 3rd-party services that guarantee streams.

  • (Spotify Only) – If you notice streams coming from a suspicious playlist, you should report it to Spotify using this form.

  • Look for signs of fraudulent playlists, including:

    • Hundreds of unrelated tracks across various genres.

    • Low save rates.

    • Greyed-out or unavailable tracks.

    • Many unknown artists with very few monthly listeners.

    • A creator who has published multiple playlists with the above characteristics.

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